Wednesday, June 22, 2022


             Marines under fire in Arizona territory, Vietnam 1970 

I have been wondering for a while why it is that some people feel the need to pose and post pictures on social media of themselves dressed in camo gear and holding a weapon.

The photo above of a Marine unit under fire was taken by my husband, then a 21 year-old USMC infantryman and Combat Artist in Vietnam. Later, he learned that some of the men had been blown away. When we came across it recently, we wondered if other veterans had the same questions as he and I have had: 

What do these posers and posters represent? What are their motivations for the display? What is being expressed about their values and intentions? Do they truly wish to identify themselves with that image? Do they think twice about any of it, or even once? 

I would guess some of the posters are not even aware of their motivations, which could be any/or all of the following: mindlessness, boredom, machismo, a current trend thing, a political statement, or twisted form of patriotism? In my humble opinion, at the most obvious (and ludicrous) level, these posers are saying: 

Hi, I like to dress up and pose with weapons because:

a. I am patriotic (especially if I am near a flag).
b. I can defend myself against wild animals
c. I'd like to be a vigilante.
d. I just think it's cool to appear armed and dangerous.
e. I support the 2nd amendment but couldn't find a musket or flinlock pistol (the only firearms available when it was passed).

And for some Christian posers and posters, who somehow are in the mix of this frenzy with perceived persecution of religious rights, shouldn't they consider that once popular question: "What would  Jesus (most likely) do? Oh, is what some would like to think he would have done if he had a weapon.

Prince of Peace
  The 2000 year old man?

So, some have seen fit to second-guess "God's plan" to send his son to "die for our sins," wishing (or weirdly imagining) how it should or could have turned out differently (i.e., Christ having killed his accusers). They are eager and happily arrogant to twist the message of sacrifice, love and forgiveness taught by their supposed "lord and savior" into the distorted message of malice, revenge and violence--none other than the disorganized "faux religion" of their present-day perceived messiah: the MAGA maniac! GOP Jesus

Now, certainly, not everyone posing and posting falls into this category of complete idiot, as the above images and ideas suggest. However, for those who may not have thought through their motivations for posting "glam shots" of themselves with weapons of mass destruction, I suggest:

1.  Next time you are enjoying target practice, aiming at bottles, cans or small animals in your back yard, or just whiling away the hours fiddling with your weapon, take a moment to let it sink in: 
Your “toy” of choice and camo gear are also the go-to choices of those seeking the thrill of blowing apart school children, church worshipers, parade goers, and "others" perceived as deserving a fate of having their blood, organs and body parts exploding across ceiling, walls and floor.

2. Sign up for military service, where dress is NOT a costume and weapons are NOT for appearances, a hobby or leisure entertainment. 

At least, then you will have done something real and truly patriotic to insure all Americans continue to enjoy the freedoms for which so many have fought...

Even to do dumb things!

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