Wednesday, February 26, 2020



the sun warm and golden

new leaves tender on greening branches

the cold winter in my bones ached

the coming of darkness every evening closed my heart

then endless rain, more cold


And I said I wouldn’t complain.

I wonder less often what purpose my life serves

as I move more slowly—even in the warmth.

becoming the dullness of winter

the fullness of summer.

How vain and small such musings seem to me now!

Two things keep me from sadness:

the small pink, perfect cherry blossoms

each year they appear

fragrant and pure


the sun’s arc moving toward a mid-summer sky.

Monday, February 24, 2020


The coves quiet in the cold
A few gulls sweep the blue air

The wild sea flows from the horizon

It does not matter now-- 

the chaos we have wrought--
losses suffered, 
changes to come
cannot touch, taint the heart of things:
the quiet, the blue, the flow, the deep