Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It is not the only the chronological events that tell the story of a life. Our birthplace, upbringing, education, work/profession, cultural, social, religious connections. We arrive into some of these circumstances, they happen to us, or accompany us along the way. It is through them, not because of them, or sometimes despite them that we become who we are. It is more our inner impressions of them, our small and large "awakenings" that reveal the theme and variations of our lives, and that is the real and true story of our lives, and only we can tell it truly. But first, we have to both go within and stand outside of ourselves to read and tell (if we so choose) our “soul” biography.
    Then, it may be that we see that our life has unfolded out of more mysterious forces which challenged, guided, and shaped us. Our fate is embodied in our experiences of the familiar and often in what may have seemed insignificant and ordinatry, as well as the momentous, profound and/or traumatic. It is important to explore the dark as well as the light places, the small and narrow spaces. Tracing the secquence of events, like we do in a fading dream, we may recall a word, a look, an image, a gesture, something left unsaid, whispered or shouted at us. Any or all of these memories and expereinces brings into focus our life's journey as we sort through our intentions, our burdens, our comforts and all that may have hindered us or moved us forward, released and enlightend us. All together our biography reveals a complex composition of light and dark; nevertheless, we will undoutedly find an underlying theme with variations.

As I review my life, I have had to reckon with experiences that have had the most impact. These seem to be the parts of my life that loomed large, while these could be attributed to the vulnerability and ignorance of youth, they were most momentous and hardest to look at--but certainly have had lasting effects on my thoughts, feelings and actions. They loomed large, so I knew where to look; others were more challening to identify, but those small and seemingly insignifcant ones were just as, or even more integral to the whole. As l begin to understand parts of my life, their relationship to one another and to the whole, I feel I have acquired some hard-won self-knowledge and wisdom from those experiences and also from innate capcities that sometimes guide us through-- unawares. 
    I also know there are parts I have not considered, maybe subconscioulsy avoided that may have a relationship to the whole--the missing parts! The knowledge/wisdom I have found in my soul biography came out of  some of the following experiences and realizations, some of which have made possible looking more deeply. 

Observing, experiencing, responding to, appreciating beauty in all its forms and manifestations, and also creating beauty wherever, whenever, and however I am able.

Most valued and worthy of these "creations" are my sons, though whom I have loved deeply and unconditionally.

 My creative "art" is writing, which hase been therapeutic and enlightenting as I learn what I think, know and feel as I write and as I am inspired (from who knows where?).

Finding, making and taking opportunities for dear family and friends to be together for key moments in our lives and also for the experiences of sheer joy, fun, learning, laughter, conversations, work and play to be shared.

Recognizing that everyone has a story, circumstances and conditions which they come out of, that forms and shapes them in positive and negative ways, and while that may not be an "excuse" for bad behavior, it is a reason for understanding/compassion that can go a long way toward inner peace for our own flaws and acceptance of others.

Acknowledging pain, sorrow and loss, our our own, and that of others. To fully experience grief, to forgive oursleves and other and ask to ask for forgiveness. Often, to the extent we are able to do this, we are able to more fully feel and create joy and to be more open to life.

Gratitude for gifts we are given in all realms of life, and for gifts we are able to give to and share with others, which can be as simple as support and encouragement.

Being available to help, comfort and affirm others (even in small ways), and to maintain and honor those connections we have established, as well as being open to making new ones.

Maintaining emotional equilibrium and accepting life on its own terms, especially when it is clear that there is nothing to be done, but at the same time striving for the greatest freedom and choices for ourselves and others.

Striving for self-knowledge and consciousness in context (to the appropriate time and place/phase of life), awareness of our motivations, self-deceptions, defense mehcanisms, etc. as much as possible and to know, even with our best efforts we may be be thinking, feeling and/or acting with full knowledge of others, of situations/circumstances and, most of all, of ourselves.

Note: I often ask myself, and often too late: Why did I say (or would say) or do something? In what tone of voice or gesture, for what purpose (to be right, to prove a point, because I was thoughtless?) and what are (were) the likely effects be, on me and on others?

Being aware of the world around me, local, national, international, the trends and movements toward or away from beauty, goodness and truth, human right and the welfare of people everywhere with sadness and compassion, but without a feeling of hopelessness, resentment, stress and/or anger.

Note: This is one of the hardest to carry through and felt on a very real and deep level. Remaining positive or at least not consumed by the illogic, selfishness, brutality, violence, crime throughout the world to the point of its affecting my mental pand physical health. Keeping hope alive and depair at bay is a balancing act.

Remembering not to take ourselves too seriously.

While many of the above considerations may not sound like revelations, or even like like old tunes (and seem more so if given as advice), for me, they truly "researched" insights, understood on a deeper level because of reviewtudy and reflection on course and events of my life, and in consideration of the effects they have had on my behavior, perspective and world view.

Out of these insights has come a measure of peace and understanding, not once and for all, but the signficance and depth of which has to be called to mind again and again. They are the variations on the theme of my life, which are familiar, but which have to be recalled from time to time and are not always possible to act on with distractions and the responsibilities of louder, more insistent and dissonant notes of the daily, parallel life lived on the surface of time and space.

Life's symphony, of course is never completed or completely comprehended in its entirety.

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