Thursday, February 17, 2022


Of myself I write

What else do I know

less and less the further I do go

falling fast away--the past

and fading round on round

save memory of love and loss abound

The dances of my spirit life

in soul light sublime

merge here in this simple rhyme

Devoid of weighty verse

writ to exalted height

no alchemy of words can shed a light

Not in paper

will the gold of life be bound

but in heart’s penetralium can be found 


 in thoughts and words and deeds 

passed on to friend along the way

as well as foe, I pray

So here, these simple lines

are witness (and a prayer)

that what I’ve wrought and written

(not for fame) is made of air

When I lie beneath a sycamore--

 its tortuous branches--beauteous 

luminous and bare

against the sky

will speak for me 

the “why”