August 2016: Presidential candidate Donald Trump recently said, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, okay, and I wouldn't lose any voters, okay?" He was telling us who he is, and that he feels he has total and ongoing immunity for his behavior and utterances, and that most of his followers have the twisted mentality to sanction random murder to see him as president. These are the makings of a dictator/tyrant: ignoring such implications in blind devotion is prerequisite for tyrants to rise to and to stay in power. Of course, it is uncertain at present whether he really would have such immunity and the current level of devotion in such a situation or that he would be a dictator. He does, however, say what some people want to hear in a way that has previously been off the table, with no sense of decorum, dignity and/or common sense. This way of reaching his followers not only further confirms his arrogance and disregard for common decency and his perceived entitlemtnt to immunity, but also exploits and encourages some of his followers worst tendencies. There is something amiss here in the apparent intention to be divisive and in the refusal of his supporters to see the danger of his coming to power. Some will say his most extreme utterances are, "just a joke," not really a big deal. Maybe for now, but, at the very least, it says a great deal about his lack of judgement, his authoritarian tendencies and his constant humiliation and mocking of others. I susupect that is who he will be if elected president, to the detriment of America and its becoming a much "less perfect union."
And he has captured that imagination, at least at this early date, with his independence, endless self-reference as opposed to self-reliance. The American Dream was characterized by Ralph Waldo Emerson whose thoughtful essay describes true self-reliance which has more to do with inner strength, self-knowledge and character rather than with appearance (which is bravado). Appearance is what celebrity is all about. There are more than a few reasons to believe that a Trump presidency would perhaps be a point of no return for America
Currently, there are many who believe his approach would be a successful one, (if they have thought that far ahead). Others question: Would he ever be willing or able to work with his own cabinet, let alone the Pentagon, congress, states and other nations with any amount of tact, diplomacy, effectiveness or respect over the long haul? The Donald (a moniker which may be an indication of...something!) doesn't come off as interested, or even able, to build consensus, cooperate or compromise (that being a liberal quality, or flaw, depending on what so-called "side of the aisle" you sit on). It seems he'd rather build walls (and not just ones to keep immigrants out). So far, he has not significantly addressed specific issues, or laid out substantial, workable policies and strategies. Apparently, then, people are not enamored with or seem to care, not only about the content of his character, but also about a platform (if, in fact, he has one, other than tearing down what already exists). There is more interest in his tweets, defending himself at the slightest criticism (thin-skinned is not a recommended trait for a president, or any position of leadership for that matter).
Donald has not only lowered the bar for national civility and decorum, he has done away with it altogether. His "bluster-effect" and permanent facial expressions of disdain, smugness and anger have further revealed America's under-belly, with its juvenile, vindictive opposition, sarcasm, name-calling and mocking--the norm now on many social media posts, not to mention misinformation and debunked conspiracy theories. He has insulted whole groups--Mexicans, as well as individuals--Senator McCain, Rosie O’Donnell, and, recently, Fox News's Megyn Kelly, with his off-the-wall, vulgar critique of her question about his frequent (documented) crude and lewd references to women. Ironically, his comment about Kelly confirms the validity of her question. Irony is always lost on non-thinkers, and there seems to also be a shortage of outrage. Yet, his followers see him as eminently fit to represent America--to be our face to the world? Are we to believe he is a “patriot,” (a neo-con catch word), and will be “phenomenal to women", as he has stated (like he apparently was to his wives and those who "just let him do it". He recently suggested he would support abortion becoming a crime. In everything he says and does realted to, with and about women and about women is patriarchal, controlling and entitled, and is sadly welcomed and even encouraged by many women as well as men. It seems there are those who stand in awe of his hutzpah, while others cringe at his hubris.
Observing the "bread and circus" of his candidacy calls to mind the aphorism: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time," especially those who rely on critical thinking, objectivity and facts to make judgements, which is certainly less than one would have thought. The opposite of critical thinking has raised Donald to popularity--emotionalism and fear of "the other." Logical fallacies, which abound in all political campaigns, but in Trump's they reign supreme, as well as half-truths and outright misinformation and lies.
His opinions may sound like facts. They may feel good to those who have the same ones in private, but have been discouraged from revealing them out loud public (because someone might call them on it, or be offended). Now, however, offending people is entertainment, and serves as a cathartic for many. Donald's delighted followers can say, along with Donald, “If you don't like it, too bad!" Demeaning and randomly diminishing anyone and everyone is what he does to the great approval and even delight many of our fellow Americans. Where this would lead, should he come into office, is terrifying to the other half of Americans.
It has been said, and not only by conservatives, that political correctness is now taken to an extreme, as it seems to pander to "overly-sensitive" minorities, and prevents us from "telling it like it is," not to mention throwing a wet blanket on our sense of humor. But the origins and purpose behind political correctness came about in first place because “telling it like it is” (or like people think it is) is mostly rooted in stereotypical perceptions which do not take individuals' or group experience into consideration. At its core, political correctness is common sense and common decency, with emphasis on the "common" good. And, yes, it has sometimes tended to the extreme and deteriorated to focus on "micro-aggressions" Essentially political correctness can be understood as consideration for others and respect for an individual's or group's situation and experience. It also seems based on a certain decorum in use of polite references, awareness and thoughtfulness of our words and deeds?
We have heard his promise of "going back." I would like to suggest that we might at least want to go back to a time when a presidential candidate--say, Thomas Jefferson, would not have called Martha Washington (or any other person) a “fat pig,” or a president--say, Abraham Lincoln, would not have (for the fun of it) diminished the legacy of a captured Union or Confederate soldier. It's a given that there are many problems to be solved, issues to be worked on, legitimate challenges to the current administration's achievements and/or failures, and we may need alternatives and possible reforms explained in a cogent, positive and strategic ways. Yet, he just doesn't seem to speak to any of those ways or in a way that is inspiring or encouraging for our democracy. It seems there is a promise to tear down, rather than build up, to paint a bleak picture of America in general, lambasting about its many social, economic and civil rights issues, yet with no mentions of solution to alliviate the problems, only blame and mocking.
Mostly what we've heard from Donald are shallow, adolescent responses and off-handed remarks which play to his audience, like a side-show carnival act, portraying everything in the world as a "disaster, that only he can fix single handedly. We don't have to worry about the "details." He knows more than Isis, the generals, experienced civil servants, diplomats and certainly much more than you and I do. He will take care of everything--trust him! What other president has ever done all that he has promised, even if he intended or tried to, but no other leader, except for tyrants have claimed to know everything and be able take care of everything if we just trust them. And what person in his right mind would tell others or listen to someone who tell them to not trust their own eyes and ears, and to not only ignore current institutions and established precedents, including the free press, but to see them as dark enemies of the people--again "tyrant talk" in my estimation. Just "trust me" (until we can't any longer).
Heads up, folks!
Presidents do not have and should not have the power to do anything they wish, but can certainly change the conversation and direction of the dialogue nationally and internationally to our benefit or our detriment. In Trump's case, it seems to be going in the direction of an irreversible, uncivil and dangerous divisiveness of the American people and our common values, instead of suggesting unifying America against the greatest threats to our democracy, which is always fragile (read history and psychology about what has happened and tends to happen under certain circumstances). It seems as if Donald admires and trusts strong men, such as Putin and others (some call monsters) which is another red flag folks.
They would like to "go back" to the days when everyone wasn't so "sensitive," a time when they could "call a spade a spade," which, by the way, was also a time when all manner of discrimination and racial, sexist and ethnic slurs were the norm, which inevitably leads, on the part of some (and may again), to acts of violence. Certainly, those who abhor political correctness are not okay when ignoring it targets them. With the tables turned, they are quick to protest that they are being "persecuted," (e.g. angry, white males or "evangelical bigots" and would attribute it political motivations).
Donald’s tone, language, demeanor and intent can not be taken for other than mean-spiritedness by those who are his targets. His attacks are approved of and applauded by some who may see themselves as victims, some who undoubtedly get a great deal of their "news" from narrow main-stream media, (all other sources are seen as corrupt). Ranting radio talk show hosts or publications' vitriol creates divisiveness, resentment and conjures up or spews conspiracies, takes extreme positions, ignores facts in favor of fiction and false claims. Unfortunately even some Republicans are and may be willing to stand by him, no matter what--then we are really deep trouble.
“Let's take our country back.” Does that mean back to how wonderful it was when George W. Bush left office? or back to the pre-civil rights era in the early 60’s, when the Confederate flag was first hung at the state house in North Carolina as a protest against those liberal, bleeding-heart “crazies” who dared to support the newly instated law of the land: civil and human rights. Yet there is the pretense that it stands for nobles oblige, the so-called "heritage" of the South that sought to divide America. What "side" that has ever lost a war gets to hang their flag of treason?
Some conservatives speak of a lack of values in America today (and it appears to be true in many respects), but is most often referenced in response to the granting of human/civil rights, as if certain people understand and employ values rightly. Is respect, compassion, understanding and even truth in some cases, among these values? I don't see Donald's followers talking much about those values. The truth is some individuals and factions (not limited to party or religious affiliations) are selective about values--about how they behave toward and speak about others not like themselves. Unfortunately, this behavior and language is also based on stereotyping, judgement and may include angry responses, unfair accusations, sarcasm, insults, threats and sometimes worse. These are apparently some of the "values" embraced by Donald Trump and his followers, which are at least portentous of future challenges as a nation
If we could think of national context as analogous to our smallest common contexts: that of our closest relationships and associations of all kinds--people with whom we live and work--we might have a different perspective. The approach that has been shown to be most effective and successful within these contexts involves: acknowledgement and/or inclusion of all members, effective and civil communication and compromise for problem solving and mutual respect and appreciation, as well as support and help. One person imposing his or her will on everyone and everything else; blaming, shaming and name-calling does not work for a any reslationshop. They on intmidate and isolate through power, control, and fear of retribution. Getting things done requires an awareness of how our words, behavior and decisions may affect the situation and/or be effective toward change and smooth operation. A climate of mutual cooperation; concern and care for all members--kindness and generosity of spirit can go far. As members of a family, or any group, we value and deserve recognition/acknowledgement of our abilities and contributions to support and to strengthen whatever weakness exists and a plan to address difficulties that arise. We also need to look to ourselves when things are not working to see what part we are playing in the difficulty.
Of course, there are instances when firm decisions and actions must be taken by a person in the group for the good of group, which may hurt, offend and/or cause resentment. However, these actions, hard choices and decisions have to be well thought out, dispassionate for the right reasons, and certainly would not involve red-faced scowls, angry shouting, vulgarity, hurled insults, blame and defensiveness ala "The Donald." This approach results in more conflict, escalation and divisiveness--whether within a family, workplace or nation. Critiques and complaints, without suggestions for alternatives to problems are counter productive (and deconstructive). If this approach does not work in our everyday lives and situations, how could it be effective in politics and global situations?
While politics has always polarized people, used mud-slinging rhetoric and negative strategies to win or win over, to divide and conquer, there is something a bit different in Trump's approach. There has, at least until recently, been a certain stature to the office of the presidency and a respect given to the process and to the ideal of democracy, despite party affiliation. In a president, I had we have expected a demeanor of thoughtfulness not impulsivity (with the help of competent advisors; maturity, not adolescent whining and ranting; global awareness, not isolationism; cooperation and compromise, not unilateral actions; consideration for ALL rather than only the base of voters. The best predictor of the future is the past, and under Trump, I fear there will be consideration for only the ONE: himself, as he has already shown us that is him main objective long before and now.
Some hope Donald will "take our country back." What kind of country do they wish to have back--with only certain kinds of Americans, races, religions and liberties? If we could go back to at least civility and respect in public discourse; if we could go back the general aspiration to decorum, speak with some thought and integrity. if we could go back to adults (especially in leadership roles) being role models for our children every administration. If only we could go back to thoughtful, logical debate, and discourse of ideas and ideals; to when we did not see people who disagree (or don't live/think as we do) as enemies and demons, and embrace the founders fathers' vision of continuing to create a more "perfect union" rather than heading toward the brink again of another kind of civil war. How about treating others as we would want to be treated (Golden Rule) then, by all means, LET'S GO BACK!
I would rather hear Donald, and every other presidential candidate say, "Let’s take our country forward.” Let’s look to the future, not the past. Let's go forward with human rights, civility, aspiration, dignity, courage and a little touch of humility. Let’s go forward with those needed attributes we would ideally use within our own families, in our work places and in our places of worship. Let’s go forward toward realizing the potential envisioned by our founding fathers (and believe) that we are all created equal, with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.