Monday, April 8, 2024

WHEN - May 1, 53rd Anniversary poem


One day

when Earth stops turning

stars fall from the sky

ocean dries 

sun not rise

I won’t ask why

Stay with me—remembering

the path we took

and read with me—

the chapters of our book

Sandra & Robert, May 1, 1971

Saturday, April 6, 2024


I heard a wise man say,

 “I gaze until I see the beautiful.”

And so, I gazed.

Across the meadow,

where I have looked a thousand times

to trees at the horizon gleaming golden

under blue heaven at sunset.

Each time

 in only moments

 brilliant trees fade to brown

and sky to grey.

They don't mind. 

Each time,

I turn away

Today, I gazed until—

I saw the beautiful 

  Imagining their joining me in praise--

not for a parting of the sea

or water become wine,

but the miracle of light 

the grace of surrender

Painting by Robert Louis Williams